The first to arrive and the last to leave
Lock and unlock
Our lock and unlock service removes the individual burden of responsibility for activating/deactivating security measures at your property or business premises. We become your ‘first to arrive and last to leave’, unlocking your doors and deactivating alarms at the beginning of the working day and ensuring all security systems are correctly activated when your premises are vacated.
This service powerfully combines with our Keyholding Service, which means, in the event of an alarm activation, Careline Response Keyholder Officers are available 24 hours a day to attend your premises and take full control of the situation.
Why do you need us?
Lock & unlock service benefits
Reduced stress
For many staff members, being solely responsible for locking & unlocking your business premises may be stressful. By utilising our officers to lock/unlock your premises, you can reduce staff stress.
High security
Our officers will perform a thorough internal and external sweep of your business premises during the locking process, ensuring all windows and doors are securely locked.
Normal working hours
Staff can start and finish work within their normal working hours without the need to worry about securing the premises.
No need for staff keys
There's no need to issue any additional staff keys for the business premises, therefore increasing security.
Get in touch today
Are you interested in our lock and unlock service? Get in touch today for more information.